Hebrew On The FreeBSD Console ------------------------------------------------------ By: Jacob Shapiro (Psycho_pr) jacob@logicolor.net
Step 1 - Placing the fonts ----------------------------- Within this document there should be 4 files attached:
hebrew.iso.kbd iso08-8x14.fnt
iso08-8x16.fnt iso08-8x8.fnt
We need to copy them to the appropriate place in the system, this has to be done by root. # cp hebrew.iso.kbd /usr/share/syscons/keymaps/ # cp iso08-8x* /usr/share/syscons/fonts/
Step 2 - Telling the system all about it ----------------------------------------- Okay, so we have the fonts and keymap and using vidcontrol, we can tell the OS to use them.
But we'd like to have the fonts & keymap used upon bootup. This is done by editing the file /etc/rc.conf Add the following lines to the end of /etc/rc.conf: font8x8="iso08-8x8"
font8x14="iso08-8x14" font8x16="iso08-8x16" keymap="hebrew.iso.kbd" Don't forget to save the file.
Step 3 - Applying the changes ------------------------------
Okay, now, as mentioned above, this step can be spared if you bother to read vidcontrol's manpage and don't wanna ruin your uptime. But if you're lazy (as I am), what you have to do to
make your fonts & keymap be used, is reboot your system, and then when the system loads, it'll read /etc/rc.conf and use the appropriate files. # reboot
Step 4 - Usage
------------------------------- After the third step, you should be able to see Hebrew text properly on your screen, but you might be asking yourself, how the heck do I -write- Hebrew text?
Well, that's a bit messy, but what you have to do is press ALT upon every letter you wanna write. That is, for the word Shalom (in hebrew) you would press: ALT+A, ALT+K, ALT+U, ALT+O
And this would result with the word being written in Hebrew instead of English. It's a bit uncomfortable for those of you who do alot of Hebrew writing, but that's the best I could find.
(note: If you are lazy just execute install.sh)
============================================== Any comments, suggestions, love letters to: jacob@logicolor.net
Now after the reboot