1. Unpack the tar archive: gunzip <archivename | tar xf - 2. su to the super user
3. Create a user petidomo and a group petidomo. The home directory of this user is the place where the whole package will be installed. The user doesn't need a valid password and shell.
4. As superuser, cd into the directory `petidomo- your-architecture-name' and start ./install.sh 5. Answer all questions asked by the script truthfully.
The true key to getting Petidomo to working, is to make sure that you have the cgi-bin directory correct. In FreeBSD, the directory is:
/usr/local/share/doc/apache/cgi-bin This is where you will run the petidomoconf.cgi from, if you don' get a menu that looks like
this... Then you need to locate the correct cgi-bin directory.