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; refer to the file named.rev.127.local for explanation of this header
@ IN SOA (
                    971231 ; Serial
                    3600  ; Refresh
                    300   ; Retry
                    3600000 ; Expire
                    3600 ) ; Minimum
            IN NS
; TXT records allow a more verbose info that can be seen using 'dig' or; NSLOOKUP
            IN TXT "Local network."
; you MUST define localhost
localhost      IN    A

; these lines define our machine
; notice the lack of periods after machine names
; this way '' is appended to them
router        IN   A
server        IN   A

win95        IN   A

; if you want 'aliases' for machines use this:
; anyone locally trying 'ftp' or '' will be given
; the IP number for 'server'
; again notice the lack of periods so i don't have to type any extra.
ftp           IN   CNAME  server
www         IN   CNAME  server

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