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FreeBSD Script Corner


Small Script That Check For User's Backgrounds - This is small script that check for your users in /home for how many bg's they run. Good for if you have plenty of users on your system that is only allowed to run a special amount of background processes.


Checks size of mailbox and if it is bigger than 0 it shows HTML - Small csh script which is very useful for Samba users (Windows* and others who login trought Samba). This scripts checks size of mailbox and if it is bigger than 0 it shows HTML "You have mail". I have added call to this script on start page (as SSI) of my internal web server. There is simple C program in .tgz, this program just skips N lines from its standart input (like tail, but tail shows some lines)


Make World - Script is a very useful script to help Newbies to Make World.


Change Upper Case to Lower Case - Script designed to just rename any uppercase letters in the syntax to lowercase letters


This script extracts system usernames from the passwd file and then # proceeds to count background processes for each user. Output is saved as # /tmp/proc.usr until the script finishes, at which point it's moved to # /tmp/proc.usr.old.


Shell script to check for new mail with QMAIL's MAILDIR


Perl Script to do security patching for FreeBSD

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